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SEEDS: When Neurodistinction Hurts Your Feelings

SEEDS is back! 😁

This Clubhouse series is a lecture and short conversation regarding accountable and accessible community care. 




A few quotes from SESSION 1:

I get it, your feelings are hurt, but just because your feelings are hurt or someone hurts your feelings, doesn’t mean we remove them from the community, we just create boundaries. But we’ve created boundaries that are so hard, and so unforgiving that it doesn’t allow for us to practice the best parts of ourselves, which is love.

right? to a point, where your inclusion is to a point. Inclusion isn’t to a point. You can’t cut off inclusion just because your feelings got hurt, but we do…we do it to each other. We do it to the people who are like us, we do it to people who are not like us. So what do we do? What do we do?

move in a way that honors both of your dignities and boundaries. So basically you are saying, “you know what, alright I’m going to go step away for a minute because that was hot, that was real hot the way you was coming in! And I know you got a lot going on, but guess what, I got a lot going on too. I’m gonna take a break. I love you still. I’m going to process this, figure out what kind of boundaries you and I need to have so that I can love you the way you need to be loved and the way that I feel good about loving you.” That’s basically what that is

next class, we will be discussing ok…well…what are boundaries? What do those look like? Cuz I know some people are like “alright, yeah I’m with you! Love, compassion, like the individual, I-thou, right…but now I can’t come up with the boundary. Because neurodistinct people are often healers, but they are healers without boundaries. I am a healer with boundaries, and I’m healing with boundaries.