
The Black Neurodiversity Instagram is updated bi-monthly with resources for educators, students, professionals, and of course our neurodistinct shawties.
Check out a few of our favorites below.

For everyone

When we talk about diversity we must include differences in brain wiring. This short graphic breaks down the terminology of neurodivergent, neurotypical, and neurodiverse.

For neurodistinct folx

How we describe ourselves is important, and the language we use to identify ourselves can either empower or reinforce systems of oppression. This resource provides an argument for the use of the term neurodistinct instead of neurodivergent.

For educators

An inclusive classroom considers the sensory, social, and cognitive distinctions that make up a neurodiverse classroom by following these basic guidelines.

For students

The responsibility of inclusion and socializing falls upon all students. Every child should know how to include every child, no matter their neurodistinction. This guide provides a few anti-ableist steps to get you started.

For Clubhouse moderators

Clubhouse etiquette can and should be inclusive, that's why we are helping moderators ensure their rooms, conversations, and engagement are accessible to different neurotypes.

For academics

NeuroCrit addresses the social construct of neurotypicality by examining the ideology of ableism and its intersection with racism withinn the neurodiversity paradigm.